Slim with Bread
World Baker – When the hold music plays Backe, Backe Kuchen in a heavy metal version, it’s a sure sign of the rock star of the baking world: Axel Schmitt. A trained baker and pastry chef, Schmitt is also a passionate drummer. Known as the “Wacken Baker,” he gained fame at the Wacken Open Air, one of the largest heavy metal festivals in the world, and often shares his unconventional baking expertise on television. In 2022, an international jury selected him as “World Baker of the Year” from candidates across 56 countries and five continents.
Growing up in the small village bakery run by his parents in Frankenwinheim, Lower Franconia, Schmitt absorbed the essence of the craft early on. Following in their footsteps, he became a master baker. His musical passion, however, didn’t just find expression in various bands or during his time as a drummer in the Army Music Corps of Veitshöchheim; he also merged it with his profession. As part of a project during his training as a bread sommelier at the University of Music in Würzburg, Schmitt asked an intriguing question: Does exposing sourdough to loud music affect its fermentation process?
Mozart to AC/DC – Stirring sourdough was one of Axel Schmitt’s responsibilities from a young age, honing his sensory skills in unique ways. Inspired by his dual passions, Schmitt transformed his bakery into an “aroma studio,” subjecting sourdough to 16-hour sessions of 90-decibel music—the equivalent of a jackhammer’s noise level. The playlist ranged from Mozart to AC/DC, ensuring plenty of public intrigue. “The neighbours were a bit relieved when the project ended,” he chuckles.
He also experimented with extremely high frequencies, including ultrasound, which had the most significant impact on the sourdough. The findings were fascinating: the higher the frequency, the more the acidity and pH level of the dough shifted, resulting in a slightly more aromatic bread. The explanation lies in the sound waves, which appear to stimulate the sourdough cultures, prompting them to produce more acid. “For my rocker heart, it was wonderful to discover that an electric guitar worked better than songs by Helene Fischer,” Schmitt says with a cheeky grin.
A Rejection of Low Carb – Axel Schmitt is determined to debunk the myth that enjoying bread inevitably leads to weight gain. “Bread contains many high-quality carbohydrate chains, which release energy gradually and keep you feeling full for longer,” he explains. His first book, Das einfachste Brot der Welt (The Simplest Bread in the World), encouraged many to overcome their fear of baking at home.
The idea for a weight-loss challenge arose during a podcast with a musician friend, where New Year’s resolutions were discussed. Both decided to aim for a ten-kilogram weight loss but through different methods: one would follow a low-carb diet, while the other—Schmitt—would enjoy bread without restrictions. In the end, Schmitt triumphed, shedding ten kilograms, compared to his friend’s four. Schmitt emphasizes that cutting out carbs isn’t necessary for weight loss and that wholegrain bread isn’t the only healthy option. “Wholegrain is undoubtedly valuable in many ways, but a baguette with a long fermentation process is just as beneficial,” he says. In his book Schlank mit Brot (Slim with Bread), Schmitt shares his experiences alongside recipes from renowned chefs such as Johann Lafer, who commented on the weight-loss challenge, Cornelia Poletto, and Stefan Marquard. Schmitt highlights the importance of bread in maintaining steady energy levels through complex carbohydrates, which are essential for optimal digestion and the body’s natural cleansing processes. “Let’s not forget,” he adds, “a white bread roll has more fibre than an apple.”
Christmas 2025!
24.12. & 25.12.
Experience a truly contemplative Christmas time in the Dachsteinkönig with our extensive program.
Enjoy an enchanting Christmas show, wintry delicacies from the Ofyr Grill and browse our picturesque Christmas market.
Look forward to the visit of the Christ Child and Santa Claus, while you let yourself be enchanted by the contemplative sounds with mulled wine and punch. And for the sweet little connoisseurs, there is a trolley with hot chocolate to pamper the senses.
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Price from € 2.516,-