Certainly different: our groundbreaking ceremony
Certainly different: Our groundbreaking ceremony The calendar shows the last week of November in 2019. A young, highly motivated border guard officer opens the boot of a white SUV at the border between Austria and Germany and comes across a pile of spades, cable ties, duct tape. High heels and rubber boots. Construction helmets. The questioningly raised eyebrows demand an explanation: our marketing manager Stefanie is on her way to Oberhof in the Thuringian Forest to prepare for the ground-breaking ceremony of our new Familux Resort, has a head full of names of politicians, business people and city counsil representatives – and a few nerves for the first border control of her life. New impulses in the centre of Germany On the meadow at Schlossberg, where Germany’s hippest hotel was enthroned over 100 years ago, we will open an extraordinary family resort with Family Hotel Oberhof GmbH that “plays all the instruments”, as we say in Austria. The name: “The Grand Green”. Before winter, the terrain modelling and the creation of the foundations on the 40,000m² site will begin, and in April the first cranes will roll in. Plans call for 105 family suites and 12 chalet units with a total of 540 beds. We, as the operators, expect 140,000 overnight stays per year, which will be a huge boost for Oberhof and the entire region. The family hotel of the future The 15 spades from the boot of the white SUV had their big day on Friday, 29 November 2019. Thanks to the muscle power of invited guests such as Minister Tiefensee, State Secretary Dr. Schubert, District Administrator Greiser, Mayor Schulz, the Managing Director of LEG, Ms Wosche, Magister Stücklschwaiger, the team from PAB Architekten, representatives of the city council and the city administration, members of the federal and state parliaments and the Mayer family, the first mass of dirt was moved for the grandiose construction project. The common goal: to give the forests and nature a high priority not only in architecture, but also in all the contents of the resort. To build the family hotel of the future.
Austria meets Thuringia Mascot hedgehog Iknazz, the symbol for the nature-based orientation of The Grand Green, adorned the buffet waiting for the guests in the Haus des Gastes after the “work was done”. Austria met Thuringia: The Vorarlberg cheese soup had a meet & greet with the pork head in aspic on onion bread, the Reinhardsbrunn trout with the Kaiserschmarrn, laudably accompanied by a Lower Austrian Zweigelt or a Schmalkalden red beer. Cheers! A brand comes of age Speaking of Familux Resorts – we are taking this ground-breaking ceremony at the same time as an opportunity to let our original brand familyhotels.com come of age and take the next step, which is called “Familux Resorts”. The new brand “Familux Resorts” summarises the qualities of our family hotels and creates a contemporary connection between individuality and togetherness. “Bring your kids, find yourself” is the slogan that illustrates how important family relationships are when personal development and freedom can be lived at the same time. The new brand clearly communicates the idea of luxury as we understand it: taking time for the essentials. With ‘Familux Resorts’, we will make it even clearer what guests can expect from us.
Wait two more years Our family and children’s hotel is scheduled to open in December 2021. Junior chef Florian is responsible for the great challenge of personnel planning for the 140 jobs we will create. We are already looking for cooks, waiters, children’s educators, masseurs, coaches (m/f/d), simply people from Thuringia who can imagine working in the most innovative and exciting family resort in Germany. We don’t just want to be the best family resort in central Germany, but also the most sought-after employer. Year-round jobs, unbeatable benefits, appreciative togetherness, one big family – with the needs of the individual always at the centre.
A Perfect Match!
Together with the Toni Kroos Academy, we bring movement and relaxation to family vacations. In a total of eight camps, football-loving kids and teenagers aged 6 to 16 experience training that combines fun, team spirit, and innovative methods.
The training program comes directly from Toni Kroos, while experienced coaches from the Academy ensure its implementation on the pitch. Participants can look forward to professional training sessions combined with playful elements. The shared experience strengthens bonds and fosters new friendships.
With the Toni Kroos Academy as our partner, we are setting new impulses for active and healthy leisure activities – truly a perfect match.
What’s Included in the Football Camp?
- Daily training (90 minutes)
- adidas jersey set
- adidas football
- Familux gym bag & water bottle
- Award Ceremony (including certificate, final photo, and a Toni Kroos autograph card)